Postio Safe


Is Postio a safe Social Media Platform for kids?

The quick answer is, yes, postio is a safe web platform for kids.

Watch the video below to find out

Postio is a very secure site because of a few reasons:

1: We have a secure SSL encryption 

This means our website has a secure HTTPS, and it is very hard for hackers, profilers, or trackers, to steal your information.

2: Our website is under 24/7 watch

Any new post, member added, comment made, anything! We closely watch it for suspicious content, and we can remove posts or ban members if we don't see trustful posts.

3: We have bad word and spam filtering

Any bad words, for example, "Jerk" would be filtered as "****".

And that's why Postio is a safe platform for kids

The Postio Team

P.S. If you'd like to know more information, you can easily contact:
